Monday, July 24, 2017

Shift Shop Week 1 Review


So, I just completed my FIRST week of the SHIFT SHOP!! The Shift Shop is a 3 week program that involves cardio and resistance training along with the portion fix containers, so I knew I had to try it!!

For week 1, we had 25 minute workouts Monday thru Saturday. Sunday was an optional stretch day or rest day. I took the rest day. Can Moms really say that though???


I am hosting a private accountability group with 13 women and we're all doing SS together! Sharing daily and helping to motivate others to take better care of themselves is the easiest way for me to stay on track. People ask me how I stay motivated. Coaching is how. I love to share my journey in hopes to inspire someone else!

        Shakeology is always part of the plan!


Last weekend, I took advantage of the sample meal plans and prepped using their handy shopping list and menu for the week.

We ate salads every day for lunch but this pork and edamame was different that my usual. It's great to be introduced to new flavors to add together!

I took my week 1 STATS this morning. I was down 3.5 lbs and 3.5"!! I'm feeling good, increased energy is plentiful, my cravings have diminished, and I noticed my Mom pooch is getting smaller!

Still want to hear all about my week and how I keep going? Check out my videos!!

Shift Shop Week 1 Review (Part 1)

Shift Shop Week 1 (Part 2)

Want to join my next group?!?! Email me to connect at!!

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